by giuliaester | Apr 18, 2019 | Graphic Design and Digital Art
Have you ever heard of Travel Posters Co.? Well, if you haven’t you should definitely check it out. The soul of the business is a British illustrator who made a mission for himself to create amazing illustrations of the nicest places/cities in the world. They try to catch the essence of the place and I have to say that they succeed!
One place at a time he is creating an amazing collection of illustrations showing the most famous cities in the world. His inspiration comes from the vintage travel and advertising posters giving them a pastel-colory and contemporary twist, ready to decorate our houses.
His style is fresh and pulls from the Scandinavian language and minimal graphic to create images that are appealing and attracts the eye gently.
If you are interested in buying his work you can from different websites and on several means and sizes. Personally, I have purchased his work (Venice) on Displate, which delivers amazing posters printed on aluminium plates. You can buy Henry Rivers’ from here.
by giuliaester | Feb 23, 2018 | Architecture and Design, Graphic Design and Digital Art
Matthias Jung, from his home in Stuttgart, doesn’t happen to think that the life is self-evident, as he explain in the brief bio in the website, and he decided to project his peculiar vision of the reality in his architectural collages.
To the majority it would probably recall the fantastic creations of Miyazaki, with a pinch of love for composition and symmetry and pastel colors that are typical of certain contemporary movie authors as Wes Anderson.
Below a selection of his work.

His fantastic but unrealistic locations transport the user in a fable world where the weird and magic is just possible and appears so much so that it become indeed real.
by giuliaester | Feb 8, 2018 | Graphic Design and Digital Art
Well, what can I say, this guy’s work is amazing!
Alexis Persani is a graphic designer who specialised in 3D typography and his writing looks STUNNING!
Treat yourself and your sight to a view of a selection of his works below.
Between the whole of his work this is definitely my favorite pieces. By the title of /// Porcelaine de fruits ///, these pastel-colored illustration of fruit transformed in delicate porcelains are incredibly well conceived in their simplicity and balanced with the entire image. Wonderful series.
Below, an interesting project including all numbers up to 100, entitled /// 100 Creativ Numbers ///.
And here a few more of his projects. Check him out on his Behance page here!

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